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Gifted Services

Marysville Exempted Village School District is committed to addressing the unique needs of its students and willingly shares responsibility with parents to develop the full potential of our young people. We believe that every student is entitled to appropriate academic challenge. The district recognizes that students with unique abilities may require differentiated learning opportunities in order to reach their full potential. To identify gifted students, the district conducts district-wide testing in grades 1 and 4. Teachers and parents may submit referrals for students at other grade levels for small group or individual testing.
A variety of learning options are available to gifted students in the district. At the elementary and intermediate level, gifted students at a grade level may be clustered into one or more classrooms, with the classroom teacher(s) providing appropriately personalized instruction. Academic acceleration is also available for elementary and intermediate students with demonstrated need. At the middle school level, advanced academic courses are provided in various subjects, including mathematics and language arts. Students at the middle school level are able to earn high school credit for certain courses as well.  The high school offers a menu of rigorous learning options, such as honors courses, Advanced Placement courses, CCP (College Credit Plus) courses, and credit flex.
If you have questions, please contact:
Jonathan Langhals
Assistant Superintendent